Monday, December 12, 2005

how do you see true discipleship happening with such a young group?

this is a very good question. we have to keep in mind that a baby church is just that... a baby. just like parents who want their infants to take their first steps or say their first word, we are anxious to see this infant church look like a full grown church. but that is a process, and we have to let God do it. there are many things we want to see happen, and many of those things take time and patience.

discipleship is not one of them.

in fact, it is already happening all around us. people are beginning to truly invest in the lives of others in meaningful relationships, and the fruit is very visible as people grow to look more and more like Christ. isn't that what discipleship is all about? admittedly, the ideal church picture would have a wide age range, something that we do not have right now. but our average age is increasing as God brings more adults into the fellowship. when you look around on sunday nights you see a much more diverse room than you did a year ago... and in another year it will be even more diverse. there are no biblical parameters to follow in regard to age, so we can't make that the main issue. God will build us as He chooses, and one of the main ways He will build us is through discipling each other now.

will there be anything on sunday mornings?

as of right now, there are no plans to have anything on sunday morning in the near future. however, at various points we have thrown out the idea of having a sunday morning community group for those who cannot make it on a weeknight. the beautiful thing about church planting is that you can choose your own adventure when it comes to stuff like this. so one day we may offer a sunday morning group... or sunday moring membership classes... or sunday morning teaching sessions that are more in-depth than a community group... or a sunday morning worship service... who knows?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

will this be a "college church"?

this will not be a "college church", but it will hopefully have a strong college population. we believe that college ministry is a significant part of our DNA, and we do not plan on abandoning that area of ministry. in a college town like BR, if a church is truly effective there will be college students involved in it. but at the same time, we want a church that is diverse in every way. this is why we are setting up for childcare on sunday nights. no matter who walks in the door on sunday nights, we want them to know that we were expecting them. we feel called to reach every person that God brings across our paths, regardless of age, status, etc.

Monday, December 05, 2005

where will we meet?

contrary to what the grapevine says, we have no plans to move away from parkview in the near future. we will stay in the gym until further notice. as far as where we hope to end up in the city of Baton Rouge, our goal is to eventually move closer to the LSU area (but not on the campus or even super close to it). nothing has opened up as of right now and we won't move until God gives us a place.

so, please help us stop the rumors that are out there...