Tuesday, November 29, 2005

how will membership work?

this is a broad question that will get a broad answer. we have received more specific questions related to membership that will be addressed later, but here is an overview of the process...

  • after much prayer and contemplation, someone feels led by God to become a member of this church
  • they attend the membership "classes" (3-4 progressive sessions that detail exactly who we are, what we believe, what our vision is, and how we plan to organize ourselves to best carry out that vision; the membership "classes" will most likely be offered in an all-encompassing weekend format [like saturday and sunday mornings, or friday night and saturday morning] rather than an 'every sunday afternoon for four weeks' format)
  • at the end of these classes, if the person still feels called to become a member of the church, they will set up a meeting with one of the elders. the purpose of this meeting is to: further personalize the membership process by getting to know each person and their family; make sure that everyone who joins the church has a personal relationshp with Jesus Christ and understands the Gospel; get to know each members' background and life story; find out how each person is gifted and find out where they feel drawn to serve, or continue to help them discover these things; if they are not already in a community group, get them connected to one; answer any questions or concerns they may have; and find out how we as a church can best minister to them and their family
  • the final step is for the elders to present them to the church family (membership) for formal welcoming and entrance into the church family

questions or comments? email us or hit the comment button - elders@ringcommunity.org

Sunday, November 27, 2005

will the ring stay on sunday night?

by far the most frequently asked question so far. our plan is to be a sunday night church, keeping the same schedule we have now when we launch. there are several reasons for doing so, some of which include:

  • we believe this is God's plan for us as a church
  • there is no biblical precedent connected to this issue
  • we have been able to draw a different crowd by meeting on sunday nights, which will help us remain true to our core values
  • we are used to it (which can be bad, but not so much when it comes to this)
  • we are already established as a sunday night gathering
  • should we be blessed with another place to gather, and that place is another church, renting space on sunday night is more of a possibility than on sunday morning

if you have questions/comments, click the comment button and type away

Sunday, November 20, 2005

coming soon...

answers (or at least attempts) to all your questions and concerns about this church start...